Courteney Cox was surprised on Saturday, December 14, when she saw that a lot of her fans thought she looked just like Caitlyn Jenner. The Friends star, 55, shared some of their comments on Instagram with a side by side photo comparison. She even admitted that she kind of saw what they meant!
It all started when comedian David Spade posted a photo of himself with Courteney and Bachelor star Nick Viall. Referencing his TV show, he wrote in the caption, “Lots of good stuff coming next year on @lightsout. More deets to come. @courteneycoxofficial @nickviall.”
Courteney reposted the photo and wrote in the caption, “@davidspade posted this pic, now I really didn’t think I looked like myself but this was surprising….”
In the next slide of the post, she had screenshotted fan comments comparing her to the 70-year-old Olympian. “Caitlyn Jenner .. oh yaaa,” one follower wrote. Another added, “Bruh I thought it was Caitlyn Jenner.” One person wrote, “Totally thought Courteney was Caitlyn Jenner.”