Caitlyn Jenner shared adorable photos of her dogs Bertha and Baxter on Tuesday, February 18. In the pics, the white and black dogs were waiting for their mom to give them an enormous bone. The 70-year-old wrote in the caption, “These two love a good bone ?.”
But fans pointed out that actually giving the dogs a cooked bone was putting them in danger. “Bones are bad for dogs,” one person commented. “That looks cooked to me ?,” another added.
One follower explained, writing, “Cooked bones can splinter and cause severe internal damage to dogs. Just food for thought. I’m sure you’re a great doggie owner but not everyone knows. I didn’t until I was older.” Some people asked if this was true of all bones, and the person confirmed.
“I found out the hard way over the past Christmas,” they wrote. “My dog had a cooked ham bone and was in the hospital and they almost had to put her down. Fortunately she fought through it but I was a wreck the whole time.”
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Another person shared that their mom’s dog had died when a cooked bone splintered and lodged in the dog’s throat.
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
In August 2019, she posted a video of her dogs on the deck by the pool in her backyard. She had an enormous inflatable unicorn float, but the dogs were terrified of it.
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When Bertha and Baxter finally calmed down and approached, she pushed it toward them, which sent the pups running. “Poor pups are scared to death of those things!!!” one person wrote at the time, which another person called her “mean.”
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“I don’t agree with taunting the dog with the float. CLEARLY the dog is afraid of it. Not cool, not cool at all!” another added.
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
But she recently told The New York Times, “We were never romantically involved.” She added that she didn’t speak out before because, “I don’t feel a need to address my sex life, quite frankly, unless I want to."
Another person shared that their mom’s dog had died when a cooked bone splintered and lodged in the dog’s throat.
In August 2019, she posted a video of her dogs on the deck by the pool in her backyard. She had an enormous inflatable unicorn float, but the dogs were terrified of it.
Photo credit: INSTARImages
When Bertha and Baxter finally calmed down and approached, she pushed it toward them, which sent the pups running. “Poor pups are scared to death of those things!!!” one person wrote at the time, which another person called her “mean.”
“I don’t agree with taunting the dog with the float. CLEARLY the dog is afraid of it. Not cool, not cool at all!” another added.
But she recently told The New York Times, “We were never romantically involved.” She added that she didn’t speak out before because, “I don’t feel a need to address my sex life, quite frankly, unless I want to."
Photo credit: INSTARImages