Some fans were convinced that Kaia Gerber was pregnant after she posted a cryptic message to her Instagram on Wednesday, January 29. The 18-year-old shared a photo that some followers were sure was an announcement that she had a bun in the oven, while others argued it was just a joke.
In the picture, the supermodel was holding up a book called The One Minute Mother, which is about parenting. It blocked her face. In her other hand, she held a pint of dairy free ice cream. She wore leggings with a crop top and her tummy stuck out a little. Over the photo she wrote, “Read into this.”
Fans on Twitter weren’t sure what to make of the photo. Many thought she was legitimately pregnant and wondered about her baby bump. Others thought she was making a joke about pregnancy speculation.
“Hey um does anyone know if Kaia Gerber is pregnant?? I’m very confused,” one person tweeted with a puzzled emoji. Another added, “I really hope Kaia Gerber isn’t pregnant.”
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Photo credit: Kaia Gerber / Instagram
“No Kaia Gerber is not pregnant,” another person wrote. They said she had a “food baby” and it was “clearly a joke.”
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One social media user wrote, “Ain’t no way [
Cindy Crawford] is letting Kaia Gerber announce a whole a** pregnancy on ig. especially when she’s been seen at parties left and right following fashion week and lifting whole a** tires in a work out. [It’s] a joke and if it isn’t congrats.” Kaia has yet to clarify her post.
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
In January,
Pete and Kaia split. He was rumored to be going into treatment for his mental health.
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
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Photo credit: INSTARImages
What do you think of Kaia’s cryptic Instagram post? Sound off in the comments!
“No Kaia Gerber is not pregnant,” another person wrote. They said she had a “food baby” and it was “clearly a joke.”
Photo credit: Kaia Gerber / Instagram
One social media user wrote, “Ain’t no way [
Cindy Crawford] is letting Kaia Gerber announce a whole a** pregnancy on ig. especially when she’s been seen at parties left and right following fashion week and lifting whole a** tires in a work out. [It’s] a joke and if it isn’t congrats.” Kaia has yet to clarify her post.
Photo credit: INSTARImages
Photo credit: INSTARImages
In January,
Pete and Kaia split. He was rumored to be going into treatment for his mental health.
Photo credit: INSTARImages
Photo credit: INSTARImages
What do you think of Kaia’s cryptic Instagram post? Sound off in the comments!
Photo credit: INSTARImages