Netflix show The Crown, which dramatizes the life of Queen Elizabeth since she became the monarch, was spotted filming with their Princess Diana, portrayed by Emma Corrin. The 24-year-old was photographed in an iconic Diana outfit from 1989. She’ll appear on the show starting with season four, which is set to premiere this year.
Emma was wearing a silver gown covered in sparkling embroidery. Over it, she wore a long sleeve bolero jacket. She wore a blonde wig over her brown hair, mimicking Diana’s famous locks.
The dress was extremely similar to a Victor Edelstein gown Diana wore to an event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City on February 3, 1989. But the show pretended that Manchester, UK, was the Big Apple for its scenes.
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Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
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Photo credit: Susan Ragan/AP/Shutterstock
Season four marks the first appearance of Diana on the show, which currently stars Olivia Colman as the queen. Gillian Anderson is also joining the Netflix series as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher this season. Josh O’Connor began to appear as Charles in season three, which was released at the end of 2019.
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Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
Emma is a newcomer to the Hollywood scene. Her only other major acting role is from the Epix series Pennyworth, which was a Batman prequel show. She recently graduated from college.
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Photo credit: Susan Ragan/AP/Shutterstock
The Crown was originally intended to run for six seasons, but Netflix decided to only give them five. Imelda Staunton will take the starring role from Olivia, 46, for the final episodes. Claire Foy played Elizabeth in seasons one and two and won an Emmy in 2018.
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Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
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Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
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Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
Do you think Emma Corrin looks like Princess Diana? Sound off in the comments!
Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
Season four marks the first appearance of Diana on the show, which currently stars Olivia Colman as the queen. Gillian Anderson is also joining the Netflix series as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher this season. Josh O’Connor began to appear as Charles in season three, which was released at the end of 2019.
Photo credit: Susan Ragan/AP/Shutterstock
Emma is a newcomer to the Hollywood scene. Her only other major acting role is from the Epix series Pennyworth, which was a Batman prequel show. She recently graduated from college.
Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
The Crown was originally intended to run for six seasons, but Netflix decided to only give them five. Imelda Staunton will take the starring role from Olivia, 46, for the final episodes. Claire Foy played Elizabeth in seasons one and two and won an Emmy in 2018.
Photo credit: Susan Ragan/AP/Shutterstock
Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock
Do you think Emma Corrin looks like Princess Diana? Sound off in the comments!
Photo credit: MCPIX/Shutterstock