"Deflategate is the ultimate bull**-t f**king outrage of sports ever," he began slurring. "It's so f**king stupid that I can't believe [it]."
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"They gave him a suspension for a quarter of the season, which would be equivalent of suspending a baseball player for 40 f**king days —40 quarter days, to be exact," he continued in the almost 5-minute segment. "Which is what they do when you get busted taking steroids. And by the way, if the NFL really knew how to test for steroids and HGH, there'd be no f**king NFL. So instead, what they did was suspend Tom Brady for four days for not giving them his f**king cell phone and for having a friend who called himself the deflator. If I got in trouble for all the things that my friends called themselves, I would be finished, OK? You wanna give a guy— because he doesn't give you his cell phone— a punishment? I would never give an organization as leak-prone as the NFL my f**king cell phone so you can just look through my e-mails and listen to my voicemails. The first thing they're going to do is leak this s**t."
Photo credit: Splash News
"Jen hasn't filed for divorce yet, because she's under the impression there's still hope," an insider revealed to Star. "But if she finds out he's seeing Christine again, she'll pull the plug on their marriage for good."
Photo credit: Splash News