It didn’t take much to please Carrie Underwood on her 32nd birthday — in fact, it seems she got her gift early this year! The American Idol winner gave birth earlier this month, and gushed on Twitter about how thrilled she was to spend her own birthday with son, Isaiah Michael…even when he’s at his worst!
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!” she wrote on the social media site. “My 1st present = late night date with a tiny semi-bald chubby dude who likes to grunt & cry & pass gas! #bestgiftever.”
But that wasn’t all the blonde beauty had to say about her first child with husband Mike Fisher. The country star got a sweet message from Kelly Clarkson, which read, “so happy for you! He will grow so fast! Everyone says that but it’s so true! Pictures, pictures, pictures.” She responded, “Thanks so much! He changes every day! We’re definitely snapping lots of pics! So much fun!”
So far, Carrie has only shared one photo of Isaiah, teasing fans by only showing off his mouth and tiny fingers. We’ll be waiting…