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EXCLUSIVE: Kris Jenner's Niece Opens Up About Her Famous Family

Natalie Zettel & Karen Houghton

Kris Jenner has made her mark as one of the most famous moms in the world, managing the careers of all her children and opening up her home to reality TV cameras for eight seasons. While the self-proclaimed Momager showcases her family to the world, there’s a couple close family members that she rarely talks about—her younger sister, Karen Houghton, and Karen’s 15-year-old daughter Natalie Zettel, who is close with her cousin’s Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner.

Star caught up with Natalie, who opened up about being part of the famous family and what her relationship with them is like.

Kim Kardashian & Natalie Zettel

How do you feel about your extended Kardashian/Jenner family?

They’re my blood. They’re always going to be there—I’m stuck with them—but I love my family. I’ve known them since I was a little toddler. I’m closest with Kendall and Kylie because we’re close in age. It’s not weird for me to have a large, famous family because I knew them before all the fame. People are like, ‘Oh my Gosh! You’re cousins with the Kardashian family? Is that weird?’ And I say, ‘No.’ They’re nothing special. In my eyes, they’re just my family.

Are your friends fascinated by your family?

 Not my friends, but other people come up to me and say, ‘Oh my gosh! I heard you are a Kardashian!’ Honestly, I don’t like people labeling me. I want to be my own person. We got a package from the Kardashians’ one time, and the Fed Ex lady freaked out. It’s no big deal to me. We go up there every holiday and celebrate together — we’re family.

Do you talk with Kendall and Kylie on a regular basis?

We text and talk about girl things…like boys. We go on Facebook and show each other pictures and talk.

Have they talked to you at all about what’s been going on with their family?

No, they haven’t said anything. All we really talk about are boys and going to the mall and stuff like that

Have you ever wanted to be on the show?

 When I was little I wanted to be a singer…but I don’t want everyone knowing my life. I think it would be scary to have someone following me 24-hours a day. Movies would be great because the camera stops rolling, but a reality show would be scary.

So, you wouldn’t want to be on the show?

Sure, I would be on the show…I just wouldn’t want to have my own show.  I feel I would just be like “get out of my face!”

What do you think about Khloe and Lamar’s issues being so public?

Honestly, I think nothing of it, because that’s what they wanted. They put their lives out there. They don’t want all of that negative stuff out there, but people are going to talk.

Star broke the story of Lamar’s cheating. Was that the first time you heard about it? How do you feel about their breakup?

I think it’s so sad that Khloe is going through a rough time. Khloe’s amazing. Whenever I go up there she’s like ‘Hey guys want to make some food?’ So it’s horrible for her. I just got out of a two-year relationship and they’ve been married a few years…he was her baby! Love is crazy.

What do you think about your mom and Kris’ relationship now? 

Well my mom and Kris have always been sisters, but when they were younger, from what my mom has told me, they were a little distant. In the end, they still love each other…you’re always going to love your sister. You might not like them but you love them.

We’re not really close to Kris now, but she calls and we go up there and she’s super nice. We go up there on holidays and special occasions and we are like ‘hey we’re still here and we still love you.’ I guess they have their lives and we have our life down here, but we’re still family.

What’s your life like here?

Let’s just say our lives here compared to the lives that the Kardashians live are complete opposite. We are crazy, but we do normal people stuff.  We have our fun obviously. We go to the beach, my mom goes to work, I go to school…and my mom and I are very close. She’s my best friend in the whole world. She’s a single mom, and she does a great job and I really appreciate it.

Would you say you’re a bit of a wild child? Your mom said that you’re a bit of a partier. She was very honest about it. How do you party?

I like to party, but not anything too crazy. I like to go out with my friends. I hate being stuck by myself at home because I am an only child and can’t just sit at home all day. I need to get out.

What’s your curfew?

11:00. It depends on where I am going and the mood my mom is in, though.

Do you talk to your dad?

My dad [Mark Zettel] is the most responsible, caring dad ever. He’s strict. But he’s a really good dad. Of course, we aren’t super close. I wouldn’t talk to him about the things that I talk to my mom about. I did tell him that I broke up with my boyfriend and he’s like ‘good!’

Any last words for Star’s readers? 

My mom is great and I love her, and I love my Kardashian family—and that is that.