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One Editor’s Zumba Journey: Water To The Rescue!

I will find literally any excuse to skip the gym. I have a hangnail! My sock drawer is messy! There’s a cousin somewhere I haven’t called! So clearly, if the weather is inclement (read: above or below 74 degrees exactly) I’m inclined to just stay put. And since this New York summer has been especially hot, sometimes it’s really difficult for me to drag my overheated tail to the Zumba studio and sweat even more.

In case you missed my first installment, this is my semi-diary of shedding for my November wedding using Zumba, the only form of exercise that doesn’t cause me to break out into “Please don’t make me do this again” hives.

The last four weeks I’ve been (semi) diligently going and have dropped about four pounds, and what I think are my abs are beginning to show! Everyone says my arms are looking leaner and my legs are feeling decidedly less squishy.

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But like I said, hitting the gym when it’s 94 degrees and humid isn’t appealing and oh look is that a rerun of Friends? Better stay home and watch, huh? One day turned into two then four then nine.

My fiancé noticed my drop in motivation.

“This is your fault,” I snapped one sweltering night. “If we had a smaller apartment it would cool off faster. The AC barely is making a dent in here!”

Proving that I’m marrying someone far, far better than I, he responded with a patient laugh. “You’re the only girl who complains about their home being too big…”

I harrumphed and turned up Friends. I did need to get my butt in gear though. But it’s soooo hotttttttt whyyyyyy nooooooo.

But then I saw that the Z Club gym near me offered Aqua Zumba! As a New Yorker, a pool is like a hoverboard; it’s either a myth or only something the very rich have access too.

I signed up and suited up.


My first impression of Aqua Zumba was that I was 30 years younger and 60 pounds lighter than my classmates. For ladies looking to drop a significant amount of weight, the water lets you work out without putting a lot of stress on already overtaxed joints.

The workout wasn’t nearly as challenging as one on land, but the water resistance did provide a better arm and ab workout. But the best part was how clumsy girl-friendly it was! In a studio, everyone knows if you’re off beat or not really getting the choreography. Not so underwater! As long as I was moving, I wasn’t super concerned about getting the steps perfect.

So I had more fun and the workout felt like a much more effective stress reliever than a killer calorie burner, but for me, it’s essential to keep up my motivation with a “fun” workout here and there!


The takeaway? If you’re feeling summer burnout, workout burnout or just plain need a day at the pool without the kiddos, try out Aqua Zumba. Your two left feet will always be welcome!


Want to shake it with me? Find Z Club NY classes near you right here!