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EXCLUSIVE: Giuliana Rancic Dishes on Personal Life & Plans for Baby No. 2

Giuliana Rancic

Credit: Photo by: Vivien Killilea/Getty Images

Is Giuliana Rancic planning for baby no. 2?! Star sat down with the E! News host at the Crystal Light Liquid brunch at the SLS Hotel in Los Angeles on Mar. 5, and got the scoop on all things babies, style and what it’s like to be an open book.

You look incredible as always. Who are you wearing today?

You’re so cute! This dress is by Nicholas. I’m obsessed!

Your new ‘do is looking, as you would say, ‘amaze-balls!’ Do you think you’ll ever go long again?

Short hair, don’t care! It is true what they say — short hair, don’t care. It’s just so liberating and I don’t know if I’ll ever go long again! Sometimes I’ll think about it, but because I love fashion so much, long hair is a little tough. It doesn’t show off the neck line. If I had my long, wavy hair, it would cover this entire dress up! There’s just something every liberating about shorter hair on a woman. I think the haircut sort of reflected what was going on in my life at the time, and kind of how it is now — like a new, fresh start. I’m so not boggled down anymore about what my hair looks like and what my makeup looks like. Even getting here today, I told my makeup girl, ‘Let’s do this in thirty minutes!’ Hair and makeup used to take me an hour and a half and I just feel like there’s so many more things that are important in life that I’d rather focus my time and energy on. Especially with the baby now, I can’t be in the bathroom for a half an hour blow drying my hair. The shorter hair only takes me five minutes! I literally put product in it and it’s done. I’m very happy with it and I do feel like there’s something very liberating about it being so short.

Being a reporter, you know it can be tough to ask personal questions. You are such an open book and revealed so much of your personal struggles on your reality show. Do you ever get tired of talking about fertility issues, babies, etc.?

You know what, I’m going to be very honest with you. There’s a lot of stuff that happens and Bill and I show so much of our lives, obviously, to the world through our show. Fertility, breast cancer, having a baby, miscarriage — I’ve shown a lot. And I will say that there is so much that happens in our private life, as well, that we don’t share. It’s interesting, the timing of stuff sometimes. People will ask you something and they don’t have any idea that maybe you got some bad news the other day, or this, or that.

But for me, instead of getting upset or trying to avoid the question, I just feel like I’m a big girl and I can answer the question. I’m in this business and I understand this business and I ask people about their lives all the time — so when people want to know about my life, I totally get it! So many people in Hollywood get upset when they’re asked personal questions and I just feel like…you’re an adult! You know how to answer the question! Just answer the question the way you want to answer the question! Sometimes you’re ready to talk about having another baby, sometimes you’re not, but you don’t have to be mean about it or make a person feel bad about asking.

You have to realize, you don’t want to be a hypocrite. you want people to watch your TV shows and your movies and come to your concerts, and that’s when you do interviews. But when you don’t have those things and you’re off limits, to me, that’s hypocritical. you should always be available to people who watch you throughout the year. That’s just the reality of it, I’m sorry. We don’t want to just know from an an actor what roles he plays or what theater school he went to. We want to know what kind of dad he is and we want to know more. Sometimes you see these actors and these peopel in Hollywood who only tell a person information of themselves when they had a movie coming out, and they want people to come see them. But, when they have nothing going on — don’t you dare ask the question!

To me, I’m not like that. I’m a very open person and I get it, so it doesn’t bother me. It really doesn’t. Trust me, I’ve been through a lot and I’ve been though some really personal questions, and I still feel like I’m an adult and I can handle myself without getting upset with people for just being curious about my life.

So, would this be the appropriate time to ask when we can expect baby Rancic #2?!

How dare you ask me that question, you b—h! No — of course, I’m kidding! You know, we would love to have another baby and we’d love to do it sooner rather than later, but it’s just really about figuring out the right time. I would say in the next six months we’ll start figuring it out.

Duke is eighteen months old and he’s really just now starting to act like a little person. He’s incredible! He has reached all these different milestones that are so much fun and there’s a lot of ‘Ma-ma! Da-da!’ He always says, ‘Up, up!” He loves to sit on the counter while I’m doing my hair and makeup. He hands me stuff out of my bag and he gives me my brush or he brushes my hair. It’s the cutest thing ever!

So, right now, it’s fun, and to be quite honest, I feel like right now work is just so busy. E! News, Fashion police, Giuliana and Bill is coming out April 1, a new season. And then I have a new interview show called Beyond Candid, and then I have my HSN line which is doing incredibly well! It was the biggest debut of any line last year! It was the number one line on HSN, so it’s busy. And I’m there for six weeks!

So, what I’m trying to say, is that it’s such a busy time and I don’t think it’s fair to bring another child into the world at this point. But, with that said, I realize how much I love being a mom and how much I love being home, that I think that in the near future I’d like to scale back and I probably will pull out of a couple of things.

So, what would your dream be? Another boy or a baby girl?

I’m not trying to bulls— you. I’m torn! Let me tell you why. I’d like a boy because I feel like boys could play together. Bill would love that because it’s like two little boys and you play football and they could play together. It would be very Victoria Beckham pre-Harper.

But then, I want a girl because I, myself, would selfishly want a girl. I want a daughter! As a woman, there’s a part of you that wants a little girl that you could dress up cute and have fun with. But then I’m like, if I have a girl, I have a sister that I’m really close to who taught me everything about life. She is five years older than me and, seriously, we talk the same, we look the same. I would imitate everything she did! So I feel like if we have a girl, then we would have to have a third and we’d need another girl after that. I’m not even thinking about the next one, but I’m already thinking about number three! I do feel like girls need sisters even more than boys need brothers. Does that make sense? I loved having a sister! Think of the Kardashians. I think it’s the cutest thing ever!

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