Let the new phenomenon begin! A first look at the anticipated film Divergent has hit the web, and shows Shailene Woodley in action as Beatrice (Tris) Prior.
Although the quick trailer is only 13 seconds, it reveals a bit of what Tris’ training is like, as she adapts to a new lifestyle. The book-to-film adaptation takes place in futuristic Chicago, in a world where residents must choose to be part of one specific sector of society at age 16. The story centers around Tris while she makes the difficult decision of whether or not to stick with her family, or join a new group on her own.
We also get a glimpse of Theo James in the sneak peek, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of this new leading duo in the upcoming months. The full trailer for Divergent airs on Sunday at the MTV Video Music Awards, and the movie hits theaters in March 2014. Kate Winslet also stars.
PIC: Shailene Woodley Chops Off & Donates Hair For Movie Role