Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were spotted leaving Georgio Baldi restaurant in Los Angeles together Friday night. The pair spent over two hours enjoying dinner before climbing into the backseat of a waiting SUV and leaving together. Their Titanic characters, Rose and Jack, may have one of the most memorable love stories in cinematic history, but fans shouldn’t get their hopes up that life will imitate art. During an October interview with ITV’s Lorraine Kate said she and Leo “never fancied each other.” Leo and Kate became very close more than 20 years ago during the 7-months it took to film Titanic. They remain good friends and still quote lines from the film to each other.
Kate, 42, is currently married to Nick Rocknroll. Over the years Leo, who turns 43 November 11th, has been linked to a bevy of models including Naomi Campbell, Amber Valletta, Gisele Bündchen, and Bar Refaeli. He recently split with yet another model girlfriend, Nina Agdal.