He was once one of Hollywood’s most recognizable stars, playing the charming Joey Tribbiani on the long-running sitcom Friends. These...
Leonard Fife (Gere), a documentary filmmaker who has terminal cancer, sits for an extended oncamera interview turned confessional with a...
Looking just like his famous father, Brad Pitt, Knox Jolie-Pitt walked the red carpet with his mother, Angelina Jolie, at...
The man can fill theaters and do all his own stunts. When it comes to getting dates, however, Tom Cruise...
Dave Coulier just thought he had a bad cold; but when the swelling in his groin persisted, the 65-year-old had...
Now that they’re free from their respective spouses, Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster are looking forward. “They’ve been hiding their...
Were they or weren’t they? That was the question as Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell flirted their way through the...