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The Best Weight Loss Program, Especially for Those Who Have Tried It All

So many users can't get enough of Noom — and here's why

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Credit: Noom

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Raise your hand if you’ve tried to plan out a weekly fitness or healthy eating regimen and felt completely overwhelmed? Or maybe you were successful in your planning but fell short in the execution? We’ve all been there. As overall wellness becomes more of a priority for all of Us, it’s crucial to have a game plan in place for long-term results.

Most importantly, we need support. We can count calories and log plenty of ours into fitness trackers and apps, but it’s important to have the understanding and accountability for behavioral changes that ultimately lead us to our goal. That’s what Noom can do. The weight loss program is more than just an app. It’s a whole new way of thinking about the psychology of weight loss.

With Noom, there are no strict keto diet restrictions or insanely difficult workout guides that look like IKEA directions to follow. Instead, Noom provides education for overall wellness, accountability and support through weight loss experts throughout our journey.


See It: Grab a two-week trial of Noom now!

It’s all personal, too. As much as working out with our friends or following a random nutritional guide online may seem helpful, Noom instead provides a personalized plan for Us depending on our own goals and how fast we wish to achieve them, which is why the first step is so important.

Noom users will start off with a questionnaire that will help to determine personal goals (the “Ultimate Why”) and carve out a plan of action. We can then identify our bad habits and behaviors and how we can change them for the better in an easy way. But this isn’t about shaming! Coaches at Noom are skilled professionals trained in cognitive behavior therapy, so they know the best ways to positively help us and motivate along the way. Don’t worry, we can also select our preferred coaching style, too!

Over 80% of Noom users have dropped pounds on other weight loss plans only to gain it all back, so we’re not alone here. Noom isn’t a sprint or crash diet but rather a new way of thinking for effective and long-term lifestyle changes. After all, the psychology of thinking and doing go hand-in-hand.

But it’s not all about weight loss! Noom is determined to promote healthy living, whether that means dropping a few pounds, conquering our goals, preventing or improving other chronic and pre-chronic conditions. It helps us to celebrate the small victories and since we’ve already chosen to dedicate energy for a happy life, it begins now!


See It: Grab a two-week trial of Noom now!

For those who have started healthy living plans and fallen behind or become too busy and ultimately quit, Noom is here to change that, too. Along with identifying our behaviors, Noom has us point-point the triggers that generally hinder us from reaching our goals. After we self-identify our triggers and behavioral patterns, Noom helps us form an SOS plan to help us get back on track should we fall off the wagon. We can choose from a friendly reminder from our pal Noom or more help from an expert.

So what can we expect from Noom in our first week? We get a short task list every day that takes only a few minutes of our time. Daily, we are required to weigh in and log our food and exercise into the app, which includes a growing list of recipes, groceries and food items to make logging a breeze.

While Noom does provide a customized guideline for calorie limits, our food is completely up to us. After we log in our meals and snacks, our intake is organized into an easy-to-read color system chart for review. Noom shows us the nutritional value of the food we choose to eat, which will help us make better choices in the long run. There’s also a built-in pedometer to monitor our steps, which count as exercise, too! In fact, steps are one of the first goals Noom gives us!



From there, we get to learn how to make the best decisions possible. Noom is a wealth of information, so there are hundreds of articles and recipes for those who want a deep dive in addition to daily challenges and quizzes. We also get one-on-one support and advice from experts as we develop a road map to success. But most importantly, they hold us accountable.

Goal Specialists help us set up personal, short-term goals each week that aid in actionable changes. There’s also a Group Coach and support community for when we need an extra hand to help us navigate the ups and downs during the journey.

But no matter the journey that led us here, Noom is the right destination for long-term results, giving us the education, accountability and support we need to smash our personal goals.

See It: Grab a two-week trial of Noom now!


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