As Andi Dorfman whittles The Bachelorette hunks down to the precious few she hopes could include her knight in shining armor, Star has learned exclusively that two of the Final Four — Marcus Grodd and Chris Soules — have dark sides involving arrests for drug and alcohol.
According to court documents obtained by Star, 26-year-old Marcus spent a day in jail after being busted in Texas in 2010 on drug possession charges. “I doubt Andi knows about this episode in Marcus’ life,” an insider tells Star. “He told Andi she makes him feel like he can ‘be myself and open up’ with her — just not all the way, apparently.”
After his arrest, Marcus was charged with two misdemeanor counts of “possession of a controlled substance.” His slate was wiped clean in 2011, after he completed a Drug Offender Education Program, completed 32 hours of community service and passed a number of urinalyses.
Meanwhile, Iowa court documents and records reveal that when fellow contestant Chris was younger, his activities often revolved around hitting the bottle — and putting himself in harm’s way with it. When he was just 19, chris racked up three separate citations for “possession of alcohol under age,” plus one for “open container-driver.” Then, in 2002, he was charged with “disturbing the public quiet” for fighting.
But if anything made him change his wild ways, it seems it was his drunk-driving arrest and incarceration in the early hours of Nov. 27, 2005. After he was found “passed out behind the wheel of his car,” Chris failed to pass three sobriety tests, blew more than the legal limit of .08, and was arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence.
For more on Andi’s bad boys, pick up the latest issue of Star, on newsstands now!