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Scarlett Johansson Awkwardly Dodges Pregnancy Questions!

Scarlett Johansson

Work isn’t slowing down for Scarlett Johansson — even with a bun in the oven! The pregnant actress revealed on Wednesday that filming for Avengers 2: Age of Ultron is going ahead as planned, while trying to avoid any mention of the big news she has yet to formally announce.

“Everything for Avengers 2 — we’re full steam ahead,” she confirmed to The Huffington Post. “We start filming in three weeks and I’m stunt training and we’re good to go.”

From there, the Captain America star continued to awkwardly ramble, admitting that she was purposely dodging what the question implied. “You know, I think it’s something that is [laughing] hard to talk about exactly,” she went on. “You know, trying to skirt around your question exactly [laughs] — and, you know, doing a poor job of it! But, you know, like I said, everything is exactly on schedule [laughs] … Everything is going just fine. The Black Widow always wins and will continue to.”

Multiple media outlets have reported that Scarlett and her fiance, Romain Dauriac, but the couple has not officially announced the news themselves yet. You can’t hide this one for long, guys!


Scarlett Johansson is Pregnant

No Wedding Plans for Scarlett Johansson…Yet!

Scarlett Johansson Engaged!

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