After a month of dragged out apologies, Shia LaBeouf is giving up. The actor announced on Twitter in the wee hours of Friday morning that he is planning to step out of the public eye.
“In light of the recent attacks against my artistic integrity, I am retiring from all public life,” he tweeted. “My love goes out to those who have supported me. #stopcreating.”
In December, Shia’s short film was highly criticized because of his plagiarizing of one of David Clowes’ graphic novels. After his plagiarism went public, the 27-year-old tweeted several apologies, mostly deemed insincere, considering some were also plagiarized. He even went so far as to send an apology via skywriting to David.
On Wednesday, he tweeted the cease and desist letter he received from the graphic novelist’s lawyer, and next came this recent announcement of his retirement. Whether or not he’s serious has yet to be determined, but the actor does only have one upcoming project — he’ll star in 2014’s Fury alongside Brad Pitt.