Sean Penn and Robin Wright‘s troubled son Hopper Penn is being held at the Hamilton County Jail after he was booked on drug possession charges Wednesday afternoon,
According to a jail spokesperson, Hopper’s bail is set at $25,000.
In a shocking mugshot, the normally clean-cut 24-year-old appears haggard and unkempt.
A spokesman for the Nebraska State Patrol said Hopper was arrested at 3:45 PM after a Nebraska State Patrol trooper stopped his vehicle for failure to signal.
“During the traffic stop, the trooper detected drug activity and searched the vehicle,” Officer Cody Thompson said.
“Troopers found 14g of marijuana, 4 amphetamine pills, and 3g of psilocybin mushrooms.”
Hopper was in the car with 26-year-old actress girlfriend Uma Von Wittkamp, who was also arrested on drug possession charges.
Hopper was charged with possession one ounce of marijuana and for possession of a controlled substance (psilocybin). Psilocybin is also referred to as mushrooms, a psychedelic drug.
Von Wittkamp was charged for possession of amphetamine and psilocybin.
Hopper has spoken publicly about his struggle with substance abuse in the past. In an interview with E5, he admitted he fell in with the “wrong crowd” following his famous parents’ nasty divorce.
“I was doing a lot of stuff, but meth was the main one that brought me down. I went to rehab because I woke up in hospital and my dad said, ‘Rehab? Or bus bench?’ I was like, ‘I’ll take the bed,’” Hopper said.
A family insider said Sean is so upset with Hopper he “doesn’t even want to talk to him at the moment.
”He is pissed off and feels like he let him down and threw all of the opportunities that he gave him down the toilet,” a family insider said.
“Hopper looks up to his father a lot and he was doing really well after his latest stint in rehab, but he recently fell in with the wrong crowd in L.A. and he picked up right where he left off in his addiction.”
“He is going to give him one more chance and has ordered him to to go rehab as soon as he is out and it isn’t going to be one of those easy-breezy rehabs either.”
“He wants him to check into a longterm facility and clean himself up for good, or else.”