The Internet was abuzz on Thursday night, when Khloe Kardashian and Kim Kardashian shared Instagram photos of their little sis Kendall Jenner walking in the Marc Jacobs fashion show. In the pix, the 18-year-old wore a sheer, brown sweater with nothing underneath — completely exposing her nipples!
On Wednesday, though, the photos were deleted, and not by the reality stars’ choice. “Ughhhh can Instagram just delete your photos?” Kim wrote.
“Maybe @KendallJenner was too hot for instgram!!!”
Kendall received a lot of criticism for the racy photos, but her sisters definitely approved. “My baby sister killed it today walking in the Marc Jacobs fashion show!!!” Khloe tweeted. “Kenny you are so dope to me!” Kanye West’s fiance added, “Proudest sister ever!!!! @kendalljenner I love watching you live your dream! #MarcJacobs #NYFW.”
The model didn’t have much time to worry about haters or criticism, though. On Friday, she took over Vogue’s Instagram account to show off various looks from Fashion Week. Her newly-single sister once again gave the stamp of approval, sharing some of the photos and writing, “I have no words for this!! @kendalljenner for@voguemagazine #nyfw.”
Kendall Jenner Exposes Nipples on the Runway